Where is the line tool in GIMP?

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a popular open-source image editing software that offers a wide range of tools for editing and manipulating images.

While GIMP does not have a specific “line tool,” it does offer several ways to create lines in an image.

In this article,

We will show you how to create lines in GIMP using the Paintbrush tool, Pencil tool, and Paths tool.

3 Ways to create lines in GIMP

The first step is to open GIMP on your computer. You can do this by searching for “GIMP” in your start menu or by clicking on the GIMP icon on your desktop.

line tool in GIMP
Tools to Create Lines in GIMP

Method 1: Use the Paintbrush Tool

  • One way to create lines in GIMP is to use the “Paintbrush” tool. You can select the “Paintbrush” tool from the toolbar on the left side of the GIMP interface.
  • By default, the brush size is set to a medium size, which can be adjusted by using the brush size slider in the tool options menu.
  • To create a line, simply click and drag the cursor in the image window. The line will be created in the color and size of the brush.

Methos 2: Use the Pencil Tool

  • Another way to create lines in GIMP is to use the “Pencil” tool. The Pencil tool is similar to the Paintbrush tool, but it creates a hard-edge line that does not vary in width.
  • Select the “Pencil” tool from the toolbar and adjust the brush size as desired.
  • To create a line, simply click and drag the cursor in the image window. The line will be created in the color and size of the brush.

Method 3: Use the Paths Tool

  • A third way to create lines in GIMP is to use the “Paths” tool. The Paths tool allows you to create a path that is defined by a series of straight lines, allowing you to create more complex shapes and lines.
  • Select the “Paths” tool from the toolbar and click on the image window to create anchor points.
  • Connect the anchor points by clicking on the next point, creating a straight line.
  • Once the path is complete, you can use the Paintbrush or Pencil tool to paint the line with a specific color or brush size.

How to draw a straight line in GIMP

Straight line using Shift + Ctrl button in GIMP

To draw a straight line in GIMP, start drawing line as usual using paint or a pencil tool. First of all, click at the beginning point of the line then move the cursor to the endpoint of the line while pressing Shift+Ctrl. The line path will automatically get straight.

Now click at the end point of the desired line, and your straight line is ready.

Video Tutorial


  • GIMP offers several ways to create lines in an image, including the Paintbrush tool, Pencil tool, and Paths tool.
  • By using these tools and adjusting their options, you can create lines of various thicknesses, colors, and shapes.
  • Experiment with different tools and techniques to find the best approach for your specific project.

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